Types of Questions
Questions can be created inside forms, click on the + (Create) Button on the top left of the dashboard to create a new form.
The Email question is required in all forms and can't be deleted or made optional
Long Text Question: This is designed for longer forms of answers.
Check Box(Multiple Answer): A checkbox-type question will give a multiple-choice answer option, where a responder can select the desired boxes. Multiple boxes can be selected with Check Box
Radio Group(Single Answer): In a RadioGroup-type question, only one answer/option may be selected by a user.
DropDown: Answers/Options are presented in a drop-down clickable box. Only one answer/option may be selected.
File Upload: This will create a draggable/clickable space where a user can upload a file not exceeding 5MB. To allow the user to upload multiple files, turn on the "Multiple Files" button of the question in the Editor View.
Date: Here, a user is able to select a date in a calendar view.
Time: Here a user is able to select a time of day. In the (Hours/ Minutes/ (AM/PM)) format.
Signature: Creates a drawable box where a user can enter a signature. This will work with a mouse/touchscreen
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