Custom Email Settings

This setting allow you to change email template as you wish

Email Tags

{{Branding}} - This contains your company logo and name

{{Form Name}} - This is the form name

{{Request Date}} - This is the date on which the request was submitted by the respondent. This will be sent according to your timezone. If we're not able to get your correct timezone ( due to an ad blocker or VPN ) we will format the date with UTC

{{Respondent Email}} - It's clear as crystal. It's the mail of the person who has filled out the form

{{Overall Status}} - This is the current status of the overall request which can be PENDING, APPROVED & REJECTED

{{Form Response Table}} - This table contains the questions & answers filled by respondent

{{Approval Status}} - This is a table that contains all the approvers with their current status of request.

{{Approval Actions}} - These are the actions that approvers are allowed to take

{{Approval Status With Comments}} - See the difference there is a comment section in the approval status table

{{Tracking Link}} - This is visible to respondents so that they can visit and see their requests from here

Emails Explained

  1. Approval Email - This email is sent to approvers

  2. Auto Approval Email - This is email is sent to approvers if the request assigned to them auto-approves approver email is skipped if the request is auto-approved

  3. Get Notified Email - This email is sent to approvers with the "Get Notification" Role

  4. Notify Respondent Email - This email is sent to the respondent when they first fill out the form

  5. Final Respondent Email - This is the last email sent to the respondent after their request is approved or rejected

  6. PDF Report Email - This email is sent to approvers with the "Get PDF" Role

  7. Signature - This email is sent to approvers with the "Signature" Role

  8. Acknowledge - This email is sent to approvers with the "Acknowledge" Role