
Prefill is a function where a predefined set of questions can be auto-filled based on a question. eg. Based on the employee ID, his name, email, department, and age can be auto-filled in the form.

In the Form Editor

1. In the form editor Click on Prefill Settings

2. Select the preferred Prefill Source

3. After Selecting Google Sheets, Select prefill-[boloforms]

4. Click on Edit Sheet

5. Create/Upload the details you want to be prefilled, make sure to a parameter by which you want other details to be prefilled

6. Click on Sync Data

7. Select the Trigger question, which will trigger the prefill. This is the parameter by which other details will be prefilled. This is taken from the form.

8. Click on Refresh Columns to refresh changes in Google Sheets

9. Map the rest of the questions with columns in the Google Sheet

10. Remember to Save